[Tigers] Looking for Alpine front crossmember

Kirk Smith twotigers at verizon.net
Thu May 12 13:50:07 MDT 2011

I remember looking at an Alpine V-8 in the late 80's that had a Volvo
crossmember and 4 wheel disc brakes...as I recall, the front track was a
little wider than a stock Tiger, but that was the only drawback I can

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Thomas Witt
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 11:39 AM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Looking for Alpine front crossmember

  There was a guy I've seen at the Knott's Ford show with an Alpine V-8 
conversion.  It was not made to "fake" a Tiger, but rather a distinctive V-8

alpine.  He used a Volvo crossmember. It looks very similar to the 
crossmember in the Tiger. Having owned a Volvo 544 myself  I can attest to 
the similarity. I can't remember what model he got it out of, but I'm 
thinking the 200 series Volvo's.  In talking with him I recall him stating 
that the geometry was better and a significant brake upgrade as well.  He 
seemed very happy with it.

 Other than the car was white and the guy looked late 50's/early 60's I 
don't recall much more about him.  Maybe someone on the list knows who he 
is. Anyway, I thought I'd throw that out there as an option.  Likely Volvo 
parts are easier to find than Sunbeam, - especially as you get closer to the

arctic circle.  :-)

Tom Witt

----- Original Message ----- 

> Hi all,
> Anyone in the Calgary area (that would be anyplace between Edmonton and 
> the US
> border, I guess) have a decent Alpine crossmember available? In the short 
> term
> my steering system upgrade will probably go onto my existing crossmember 
> just
> so I can drive the car this summer but the longterm solution is to build a

> new
> crossmember from something that doesn't have a bazillion stress cracks. I 
> only
> really need the crossmember but I'd take control arms etc. as well if that

> was
> part of the package.
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