[Tigers] Stalling at idle

James Lindner jliny5 at cox.net
Thu May 12 12:54:01 MDT 2011

Hello All,

Yesterday after a short 20 minute drive I noticed some coolant on the garage
floor from the expansion tank so I checked the temp with a laser thermometer.
It measured 214 on the manifold near the temp sender and thermostat. I did
some tweaking (a thanks to Tom Parker) which included tightening all hose
clamps and tightening the fan belt. For background, my 260 has the the LAT 1
Induction system and the LAT 20 perfromance cam. I have a stock radiator, horn
hole covers and a 6-blade fan.

Today, to check on my tweaks I took it for a longer ride, almost one hour. It
included highway and traffic, in fact I got caught at a RR crossing for 5
minutes. When I got home I noticed the engine was running a bit rough at lower
RPMs. I let it idle in the garage but it stalled after about a minute. I
started it up again (a couple of tries--usually turns over first time). I let
it idle but again it stalled. Did it again, this time I increased RPMs to see
if it was getting fuel...revved up fine. Brought it back down to idle and it
stalled again after a bit.

I checked the temp readings again with laser thermometer: 214 at Temp sendr,
208 @ thermostat, 214 @ radiator, and 198 @ expansion tank. No fluid on floor
from expansion tank.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation...here is my question.

Is this heat related or do you think it is something with the carburator. I
lowerd the idle last fall because I thought it was idling too fast...now after
operating for a while it stalls.

OBTW...it was a beautiful drive and the car ran fine.


Jim Lindner

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