[Tigers] tires

Clyde McLaughlin clydemclaughlin at verizon.net
Sat May 7 07:47:24 MDT 2011

I'll second the motion on Toyos,  I have the RA1's on my car -- 205/60r13 on
6" wide wheels,  no fit issues,  they stick  really well,  they are
competetion compound that is DOT,  they won't last 40k miles,  more like
10-15K or less depending on your right foot,  but other tires that may have
greater milage ratings will probably dry rought before they wear out
anyway...most of us don't put that many miles per year on the car anyway,  and
the industry ussually recommends tire rpl't after 5 years reguardless of
miles,  Clyde

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