[Tigers] sea crest green #30

Steve Laifman slaifman at socal.rr.com
Sun May 1 14:43:34 MDT 2011

Sure, Jeff,

   1. Just take some green pea soup (I recommend "Andersen's")
   2. (It's on my way between Los Angeles and Vandenberg AFB.)
   3. Add some cream until you get to the color you want.
   4. Apply with a spray gun
   5. Liberally coat the finish with a "Clear Coat"
   6. Keep out of the sun!

Now, if we were talking a British Racing Green, the results would be 
more towards my liking.  But, everyone has their own taste.


/Steve Laifman/

/Editor - /*/TigersUnited.com/* <http://www.tigersunited.com>

On 5/1/11 10:19 AM, Jeffery Randall wrote:
> Hi guys,
>     Does anyone have modern paint #s for sea crest green #30? very cool
> color!
>    Thanx
>      Jeff
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