[Tigers] Rear spring lubrication

genepadgett at comcast.net genepadgett at comcast.net
Sun May 1 12:50:14 MDT 2011

Hi all, I have my rear leaf springs off and am giving them a good cleanup,
replacing bushings, spring wrap rubber, etc. It has been suggested that while
I have them apart that I radius the squared off tips at the contact area for
smoother operation.

I am finding some of the button spacers on the ends of the leafs are a bit
worn. Not to the point of unservicability, but noticeably.B  Anyone know if
replacements are available? A coupleB have separated andB I am guessing the
tops and bottoms are just placed in the holes and glued together.B In fact it
would seem that you could just take them apart and swap the tops for the
bottoms if worst came to worst.B  Maybe just smoothing the worn buttons would
be a good idea?

Anyone lubricated the springs or at least the tips and the button contact
area? I was thinking of using Energy Suspension greaseB made for their
polyurethane anti-sway bar bushings. The obvious worry is that any grease is
going to attract road dirt and ultimately make things much worst.B  Any
recommendations on that?

I saw a racing Tiger on ebay not long ago and they indicted the leafs were
separated by teflon. Anybody done that?
My apologies if these questions have been answered here in the past.B  I only
recently joined and my searchs of the archives didn't turn up the answers.
Maybe I did them wrong.

Thanks, Gene

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