[Tigers] Attaching a Rollbar

Chris Thompson chris at cthompson.net
Fri Mar 18 13:50:17 MST 2011

How tall are you, Allan?  The bigger issue that you'll like have is 
getting a roll bar sufficiently higher than your head and still be able 
to close the top.

That being said, a bolt-in should do you ok.  Note that the AutoPower 
roll bar is specifically marketed as a "show bar" as they don't consider 
their own product to be sufficient for roll-over protection.  I'm not 
sure why.  Although I can say that Virginia International Raceway thinks 
the AutoPower bar looks ok, excepting that I don't pass the "broomstick 
test", i.e. you can't lay a broomstick across the bar and the windshield 
without my head getting in the way.....



On 3/18/2011 4:14 PM, Allan Ballard wrote:
> Is it effective to bolt a roll-bar to the car, or must it be welded?
> I plan to install a roll-bar and don't relish welds that are not easily
> reversible.
> On the other hand, bolting a roll-bar into place is a poor solution if
> a bolted roll-bar isn't strong enough to "do the job" in a worst case
> scenario.
> Allan Ballard
> MK1a Tiger
> SIV Alpine

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