[Tigers] Fwd: sticky situation

Peter Laurinaitis laurin212 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 12 16:11:00 MDT 2011

resending (thinking it didnt go thru ystday as i only got my email with no
body attached)

> From: Peter Laurinaitis <laurin212 at yahoo.com>
> Date: June 11, 2011 7:57:05 PM EDT
> To: Tiger List List <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Subject: sticky situation
> Two separate issues, but similar ... on one of my tigers the clutch master
cylinder leaked a bunch of fluid soaking my carpet/padding, and on another
tiger, the heater core blew a leak soaking my carpets/padding with coolant.
on both, the padding under the carpet seems to have absorbed most of the
fluid.  Ive pulled the carpets out, but the saturated padding and carpet
doesnt seem to dry at all, at least in the last week or so it hasnt.  Whats
the best way to dry these out, or will they never really dry given we are
talking brake fluid and antifreeze?  I guess i can wash out with water to
displace the fluid, at least in the case of the coolant and then let air dry?
any other ideas?  use a wet/dry vac to suck out the fluids so theyll dry?  or
get new paddings and toss the saturated ones?

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