[Tigers] Problem Subscribing to Tiger List

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Sun Jul 17 16:09:18 MDT 2011

Bill Waite wrote:
> I have been having trouble trying to once again subscribe to the daily digest
> for the Tiger List.  I have registered and checked all the correct boxes, have
> received the email from the List acknowledging that I signed up... but no
> emails (digests) received.
You are subscribed.  You are set for digest mode.  A digest went out
today and was sent to you:

Jul 17 12:15:26 autox postfix/smtp[8232]: 9454018791B: to=<fordlandia at sbcglobal.net>
relay=sbcmx3.prodigy.net[]:25, delay=6, delays=0.01/0.02/2.9/3.1, dsn=2.0.0
status=sent (250 2.0.0 p6HIFBGD009007 Message accepted for delivery)

The problem is not with Team.Net.

Jul 17 12:15:26 autox postfix/smtp[8232]: 9454018791B: to=<fordlandia at sbcglobal.net>, relay=sbcmx3.prodigy.net[]:25, delay=6, delays=0.01/0.02/2.9/3.1, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 p6HIFBGD009007 Message accepted for delivery)

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