[Tigers] Problems with Tiger List Digest messages...

Steve Laifman slaifman at socal.rr.com
Tue Feb 8 12:24:21 MST 2011


What you are experiencing is the space-saving technique for reducing the 
space taken on the servers for mail.

All materials, such as attachments and character formatting have been 

This is not new, nor only on the "digest".

For instance, <BRK> is substituted for a "Break". The sender should now 
this by now and not try to use "attachments" or text enhancements.


/Steve Laifman/

/Editor - /*/TigersUnited.com/* <http://www.tigersunited.com>

On 2/7/11 7:11 PM, Bill Waite wrote:
> For some strange reason (maybe not so strange?), the digest emails I have been
> receiving form the Tiger List are "garbled" (to coin a phrase).  For example...
> the message I just received in a digest (from Ron Fraser) looked like this (with
> "<BR>  and "&nbsp;" added at various places:
> &nbsp;&nbsp; I have a copy of Rootes Parts List Supplement for  the Sunbeam
> 260;<BR>publication #6601131, 2nd issue, dated Jan  1965.<BR>  <BR>Was there a
> first issue?<BR>   <BR>Does anyone have the 1st issue of this publication?<BR>
> <BR>Ron Fraser<BR><BR>
> Can anyone tell me why this is happening (my issue on this end... or a problem
> with the Tiger List outgoing messages)?
> Thanks...
> Bill
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