[Tigers] Tiger wins award in Copperstate 1000

Norman C. Miller rootes1 at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 25 09:14:40 MDT 2011

The Breslow MK II:



At 06:23 AM 4/25/2011, Curt Bowland wrote:
>Good news for Tiger fans. Many of you are familiar with the many vintage
>rally's being conducted in various parts of our country.
>I believe last week was the completion of the 2011 Copperstate 1000, held
>mostly in Arizona. It seems this year the weather was below normal, quite cold
>for this time of year. A number of cars were forced to drop out due to
>mechanical issues, especially hard hit were Jaguars and Porsches.
>A individual was awarded the "Dan Rowan Co-Driver Award" presented to Sonia
>Breslow, the car listed was a 1967 Sunbeam Tiger. Hopefully there may be some
>pictures in some of the magazines who cover some of these events. Still always
>nice to see a Tiger grab some press. Any other people on the list have photos
>or additional information or picture of Sonia or the Tiger?

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