[Tigers] 1/2 inch or 12mm wheel studs

genepadgett at comcast.net genepadgett at comcast.net
Thu Apr 14 20:49:01 MDT 2011

I am looking to install 1/2 inch or 12mm studs.I want to keep my existing hubs
with their 7/16 inchB studs and get a separate set ofB  hubs for the
largerB studs. I know the front hubs are the same as for a Series IV- V
Alpine.B B  Are the rears also the same? I have kept my oem 13 inch wheels.All
in case some day I can go b ack if I ever wanted to.

I would appreciate the benefit of the experience of others who have made this
type of change.I understand thereB are clearance issues as to size of head and
knurl .What sizes will work? Which is better,B screw-in or press-in studs? Any
particular brandsB recommended or otherwise? Do 12mm studs work okay with
wheels drilled for 1/2 studs (the std to metric conversion is pretty
close!).Anything else to consider?

Thanks in advance for any and all guidance!Gene

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