[Tigers] MKII parts car

Cullen McCann clarkwgriswold2nd at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 07:07:23 MDT 2011

This is kinda funny...when this email hit the list last night, I clicked on
the link and checked out the pics and description...i thought.." yeah its
rough, but ive seen rougher.."...following that thought 3 or 4 of us
commented on how it would be ridiculously expensive to try and save it do to
the work it needed....( I don't necessarily disagree) and so we laughed
about wallets and vaults and the topic moved on to other things....

This morning l clicked on the link again for giggles and its gone...ad
removed by owner. So...I'm guessing its very possible that someone on this
list contacted the seller and purchased the car quickly upon seeing the
topic...so he either really wanted the trim for 4 grand or disagreed with
the comments from the seller and thoughts of those who commented that it
wasn't savable...LOL

Anybody know what happened that wants to admit it?


Alpine 260

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of michael king
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 6:13 PM
To: Tiger Talk List Tiger
Subject: [Tigers] MKII parts car

I wass ent this the other day by a lister.. but as its now posted in other
locations.. time to let the theorys begin:

Car has the MKII trim, looks ot have an original steering wheel, radiator
shroud, shifter.. of course tunnel and other body parts..

I'd love a pic of the rear deck, see if it has a battery box lid or is the
correct MKII pressing.

Now .. no VIN or JAL.. but the rear axel numbers could perhaps get us


Michael King
Tigers at autox.team.net
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