[Tigers] Stumbling issue

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Sat Apr 2 19:46:19 MST 2011

Did you put fuel stabilizer in it when you put it away?  Have your  tanks 
ever been cleaned and coated?
In a message dated 4/2/2011 10:38:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
awtiger at cox.net writes:

Hey,  guys:

Just got my Tiger out of hibernation; it's been sitting since  Christmas (I
know, I know...stupid me...).  My wife and I took it out  to get some 
and it was running great.  However, about seven  miles into the run, it 
stumbling at low rpm under an acceleration  load.  The further we drove, the
worse it got.  It finally did  die on me once; however, it did start back up
after a minute of sitting  there on the side of the road.  On the way back
home, it continued  stumbling and missing erratically at low rpm (anything
under about  2K).  I found that if I wound it up past that, it would smooth 
and  run okay, though.  Once we got it home, I pulled it into the shop  and
raised the hood.  As I was trying to get the air cleaner off, it  started to
die.  Even flipping the throttle linkage on the side of the  carb couldn't 
it and it died again.  Then, once again, after a  minute if fired right 
back up
no problem.

I hate problems like this  because they can sometimes be a real pain in the 
to track down.   Does anybody have any ideas of where I should start?   

Thanks in advance,
Andy Walker
Edmond,  OK
B382001600LRXFE (mis-behaving right now...)
TAC  #740
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