[Tigers] Exhaust smell

Dave Munroe dave at munroe.ca
Sat Oct 23 19:57:23 MDT 2010

Hi Mark:

Interesting topic. I had the problem in my boot too - but not in the cockpit 
with the top up, strangely. It was a problem for my co-pilote because it 
made all her clothes etc in the boot smell like exhaust. (Not a good thing 
if you want/need a co-pilot!)

But I think you nailed the cause - leaks into the boot area. Before I got my 
engine rebuilt, it smoked pretty badly. After a long road trip, there was a 
pattern of black oily soot over the bumper, tail lights and boot lid up to 
the "Sunbeam" letters. There is definitely a negative pressure area directly 
behind the car that draws the exhaust fumes up along the surface of the boot 
from the bottom up. The joint between the boot lid and the body across the 
bottom and up the sides is really exposed to these fumes, and if there is a 
gap in this area, fumes will get in.

I installed a new boot gasket, and found areas that were not sealing by 
closing the lid on a strip of thick paper and trying to slide it along. I 
had an open section on the passenger side lower corner, and laid a thin 
piece of household weather strip along the sealing edge. There were a few 
other areas that allowed the paper to move, and I sealed them the same way.

There were also some holes in the floor of the boot (not rust!) such as 
directly under the lid latch, and in the fender wells under the fuel tanks. 
(Drain holes or some such I think.) I filled those with that black body 
putty that comes in long round strips and can be molded to stick in and over 
these holes. (We used to call it "dum dum" in the olden days!).

Best way to find these holes is to lay under the boot area and have your 
co-pilot move a really bright shop light around in the trunk.

Best of luck with yours, Mark!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <CoolVT at aol.com>
To: <michael.s.king at gmail.com>; <owain.lloyd at gmail.com>
Cc: <Tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Exhaust smell

> Seems there must be some solution. If this was  happening with new cars 
> I'm
> sure they would have been blasted by car magazines  that tested them.
> In a message dated 10/23/2010 7:06:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> michael.s.king at gmail.com writes:
> I have  this problem in my alpines and tigers, i think the exhuast gasses
> get sucked  back though the boot (trunk) area.. if you have a MKIA open 
> the
> fresh air  vents that helps.. but either way.. seems a comon issue to all
> older cars..  hey.. what about the fuel smell from the engine bay... with
> windows up and  vents closed with the roof on i think i could almost pass 
> out
> with that mix..  i guess roof down is the best way.. otherwise try and get
> fresh air in (  windows slightly cranked hardtop indows proped open or 
> scuttle
> vents open.. i  have no solutitons to offer nothing i have tried has 
> worked.

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