[Tigers] Hagerty British Market Report

James Lindner jliny5 at cox.net
Fri Oct 22 20:09:14 MDT 2010


>From somebody who just purchased his first Tiger in a private sale, I can say
that this list and the people on it are an invaluable network to sell your
car. I joined this list months before I actually made my purchase. I let it be
known I was interested and it was a member of the list who directed me to the
car I bought. That endorsement was a significant factor in my decision,
especially for a newbie. I am sure the list and its network could work to the
sellers benefit just as well.

Jim Lindner
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Bill Waite
  To: denis mercier ; tigers-bounces at autox.team.net ; wsamouce ; 'Mike
Michels' ; 'Tiger Talk List Tiger' ; jliny5 at cox.net
  Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 10:00 PM
  Subject: Hagerty British Market Report

        I suppose a "market value" report issued by an insurance company like
Hagerty has a certain natural "upward" bias.  They more you insure the car
for, the higher the premiums they collect.  My Mark II is insured with them,
but for a lot less than they state as their current value.

        Truth is, I don't know how much the car is worth.  I may find out
sometime next year, as I'm thinking of selling it after 32 years of ownership.
I have been giving a lot of consideration to the new ERA slabside Cobra kit...
and also need to cover the costs of restoring a Mark I Tiger (owned since
1979, all there, but needs restoration).

        Couple of pics of my Mark II at these links:



        BTW... what is the consensus (if there is one) as to the best way to
sell a very nice Tiger these days?  Off hand it seems eBay would be the way to
go, assuming you set a  reasonably high reserve to "protect" against letting
it go too cheaply just based on timing.   But, there are a lot of good ways to
promote a private sale, too.  I'd be interested in suggestions.


        Bill Waite
        Grand Rapids, MI

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