[Tigers] Muffler Insulation

Dave Munroe dave at munroe.ca
Tue Oct 12 07:59:27 MDT 2010

I had an interesting adventure on the way home from the TE/AE Meet in Maine 
yesterday - about 100 miles into the roughly 500 mile trip the engine 
developed a persistent and very strong "miss", that felt like either a 
plugged primary jet in the carb or an ignition fault. I have an MSD Pro 
Billet distributor installed, with about 2500 miles on it since 

At the next fuel stop after the miss developed, I put some gasline 
antifreeze in the tank, in the chance it was water in the gas. No change. At 
the next fillup, I put in some "fuel system" cleaner, also no change. The 
engine missed mightily under load, but there was a bit of a smooth spot 
around 3200 rpm (65 mph) so I kept it in that range.

When I got home (I did make it!) I removed the distributor cap and behold - 
the carbon center electrode ( the little button that makes contact with the 
rotor spring) had broken off just inside its retainer in the cap. The rotor 
button had been receiving the high tension impulse through the gap that had 
developed when the carbon rod contact had broken off. The spring normally 
has a shiny spot where the button contacts the spring. Not in this case - 
the spring had a dull matt finish where the spark had been jumping the gap.

If you don't have something to fix on your trip its always a dull trip!

The meet was a huge success - a chance to put faces to names, checked out 
some absolutely fabulous cars, took a ride up and down the coast in a WACO 
bi-plane, ate lobster until it was coming out our ears, got our Tiger TAC'ed 
and generally had a fantastic time. Kudos to all our friends in Maine and 
the TE/AE organizing committee - you did a fabulous job - Thanks!

Dave Munroe

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