[Tigers] Original Tiger engine study

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Mon Oct 11 09:47:41 MDT 2010

    There have been a number of threads about survivor cars and restorations
on the list so it's time again for my semi- annual request for engine

I'm conducting a study of the Original Tiger Engine Configuration with
respect to Ford casting numbers and casting date codes.   If you have an
original Tiger engine or know someone who does I would like to see that
information.   I have many gaps in the information that I would like to
confirm and/ or correct.

Contact me off list for the engine information I'm studying also if you have
casting numbers and date codes you would like deciphered I will gladly help
with that too.

I would really like to hear from anyone with an early B19KC engine, the ones
painted black.   I have little information about this first build of B19KC


Ron Fraser

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