[Tigers] Wiring Question

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Sun Oct 10 21:46:21 MDT 2010

You should use at least 10 gauge wire for a standard 30-amp generator. With
the ammeter, having good crimps and clean and tight connections is more than
usually important. A poor connection can cause significant heating of the
ammeter which can distort or melt the plastic components in the ammeter. And
remember that the connections on the back of the ammeter are essentially
unfused, large-gauge connections straight back to the battery, so inadvertent
short circuits to those points from the chassis are going to be spectacular,
and if you do it to the wrong side of the ammeter you'll probably fry its
movement. Do the ammeter connections with the battery disconnected, and cover
the ammeter terminals with a heat-shrink sock or some electrical tape before
you reconnect the battery.

Brown 10-gauge wire is commonly available at most auto parts places. If you
need the yellow stripe, you can use a paint marker to put the stripe on.

From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf
Of James Lindner [jliny5 at cox.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 9:17 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] Wiring Question

Hi All,

I am wiring up my ammeter and I had a question regarding the color/gauge of
the wire. The Wiring Diagram for the MkI shows the color of the wire as brown
for the connection to the voltage regulator (vreg) and the starter solenoid.
It also has the connection to the vreg going to the B terminal.

The Under Dash Wiring Diagram from C.A.T. shows the the color of the wire to
the vreg as brown/yellow and going to the A terminal.

Which is correct?

Also, does anybody know where to find brown and/or brown/yellow wire. I have
tried all the usual auto parts places with no luck. Online sources want you
buy reels of at least a hundred feet. The one place I thought would
work...Britishwiring.com has a web site I can not seem to access.

Finally what gauge wire do I need?

As always...Thanks.

Jim Lindner
Tigers at autox.team.net
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