[Tigers] Recommended Lubricants

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Mon Oct 4 21:42:02 MDT 2010

Late to this but I have been running Diesel oil in the race car and have just
started using Shell Rotella 15/40 T6 Synthetic as a replacement for the
expensive Royal Purple Racing Synthetic and non-synthetic Diesel I would often

I did a bunch of checking on the web looking for the Blackstone (sp)
analysis reports for people that were using it and found a few Non-diesel
running it in Turbo and N/A engines with very favorable results (Low
components charistic of engine wear of the analyzed oil). 

It was
also mentioned that the Rotella T6 Synthetic was not a new formula at all 
the old formula in a new bottle, which is fine since it was also a top rated
oil. I thin I paid something like 25 bucks  (6.25 a qt) at the Autozone for a
gallon jug. The Royal Purple was in the 13 bucks a quart range for the XPR
Racing, and 8 Buck range for regular synthetic. I have a 9.5qt pan in the
Mustang and an oil change was getting expensive with Royal Purple XPR. One
to note that that the Rotella is a type 3 or maybe blend of type 3/4
and royal purple is a type 4. What does that all mean? It has to do
with how the 
oil is made and I looked and read about it and came to the
conclusion that it 
really doesn't matter to me so I'll give the Rotella T6 a
run. Likely if the 
motor blows it will NOT be due to the motor oil...

much Coffee today as you might guess ;)


.... i asked one of their tech engineers
about rotella 15/40 and was told that 
it still has 1200 ppm of zddp. this
means no additives needed

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