[Tigers] Steering Wheels

Jeff Eakin jeff.eakin at comcast.net
Sun Oct 3 14:07:55 MDT 2010

There is a guy in our club C.A.T.O. (Colorado Assn of Tiger Owners) who has
been making beautiful Tiger/Alpine steering wheels from the originals. They
come with a new hub which always cracks. I forget exactly what he charges
but they aren't overly expensive. I have two Tigers and have them on both.
They are better than new and extremely nice. He has some in stock now. Give
him a call: Ken Corbin 303 364-5787. (no email) Or you can contact me.
   ~ ~ ~ 
Jeff Eakin
Pres. Colorado Assn. of Tiger Owners (C.A.T.O)
1142 S. Clayton St.
Denver, CO  80210
(303) 733-1211 (H)
(303) 903-2386 (Cell)
Jeff.eakin at comcast.net

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