[Tigers] throw out bearing noise??
Dave Munroe
dave at munroe.ca
Sat May 29 16:55:20 MDT 2010
Funny you should mention TOB's now. I am in the process of re-installing my
engine after a removal to correct some problems from a previous engine
build. At that time I had fitted a Centerforce I clutch and TOB.
After about 8,000 miles, both the flywheel and pressure plate had plenty of
signs of overheating, with a surface color change and lots of work-hardened
spots and score marks. So I had the flywheel re-surfaced and am in the
process of fitting a Centerforce 2 clutch and plate.
Comparing the Centerforce TOB and what I think is an original Ford bearing,
the CF looks a tad anemic. It has a self-centering bearing, (which would be
good if the bell-housing was not set accurately for parallel and center),
but is much smaller than the (original) Ford which has a larger bearing
surface and and a grease fitting. It also "feels" a lot tighter and more
I'd like to hear others' experience with the CF TO Bearing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Somebody" <achd73 at yahoo.com>
To: "Beamclub" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 7:27 PM
Subject: [Tigers] throw out bearing noise??
> Recently someone mentioned that a couple of Tigers had problems with TO
> bearings- I think it was at the spring fling in Indiana and Dave or
> another
> member gave a report of how good a time was had by all etc etc except for
> a
> couple of guys having the TO bearing problem.
> I'm running a Dale A. AMC conversion 5 speed, with a centerforce clutch
> and
> TOB. I had no problems driving from southern IL. to SUNI last year, going
> or
> coming but at Thanksgiving I drove from southern IL. to Charleston, WVa
> around
> 500 miles, one way. I usually plan my trips to enjoy night time driving as
> I-64 in Louisville and Lexington can become stop and go during rush hour
> traffic but I missed my original departure time and hit stop and go in
> Louisville. That was my first sign I had a loud problem that sounded
> transmission related. I had come to a stop in a clover leaf area, so I
> just
> pulled off to the side- only a Sunbeam would have had enough room- by luck
> a
> state maintance truck, who drives around helping people who break down was
> right behind me. He turned on his lights and we jacked up the right rear
> of
> the car. He thought the noise was in the rear end and I had just replaced
> bearings prior to Suni,So I already had shim questions on my
> mind.But the loud, almost grinding like noise sounded further forward than
> the rear end while setting in the car. The kid was pretty young but his
> main
> job was to assist if he could and get a wrecker otherwise. He had me exit,
> gave me directions to a couple place close by and left. I drove the car to
> both places. One a closed mechanic shop, the other a closed junk yard. The
> noise had disappeared, so I continued driving east, with no more problems
> until I exited I-64 to the area my sisters home is located. The next day
> (Sat)
> I went to the gas station that does my sisters mechanical thievery, I mean
> work and had the rear lube drained, which I had just done prior to Suni
> and
> inspected it by catching it with a funnel shaped a flour sifter- nothing
> but
> what appeared to be slightly used gear lube went thru the screen- I had no
> pieces of debris of any kind- IF there was any, it was not large enough to
> be
> caught in the screen . Long story- might need to be
> sent in two emails in order to post. I wanted to see if the TOBs where the
> same as the clutch, which came in the box with the replacement clutch and
> if
> they are the same brand as mine. Thanks for understanding the long post
> and
> any help returned.
> TonytheTiger
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