[Tigers] Book of Norm

slaifman at socal.rr.com slaifman at socal.rr.com
Thu Mar 25 18:39:14 MST 2010

Ron, and other friends,

I have known John Crawley, for many years, as a frequent correspondent of 
articles for TigersUnited.com .  This link (page 19 of 31) of a much larger illustrated
article by John, that covers the installation of a Soft Top - written and published in 
March, 2001 (has it really been 9 years?)


This is amongst 50 listings (some duplication) in the SEARCH function for his name. (Upper Right Magnifying glass on every page)

I recommend that any Tiger enthusiast should look at the mountain of photos and articles from their
own Tiger fans.

Enjoy your resources.

(Editor - TigersUnited.com)

----  Ron Fraser <rfraser at bluefrog.com> wrote: 

> EX: Recently several request for information about soft top installation; I
> found a write-up by John Crawley and submitted it to the List, I used a
> different write-up 30 years ago for my soft top but could not find that one
> online.   I saw no reply notes that stated "This worked for me, Thanks";
> that was a fabulous opportunity to enhance that article with pictures and
> additional notes if needed.   Did anyone step up?   I'm in the process of
> enhancing articles I have written with digital pictures and clarifying
> content but it takes time.    We all need to contribute to the Tiger
> community the best way we can.
> Ron Fraser

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