[Tigers] Some thoughts on the Book of Norman
Tom Parker
tkparker1941 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 07:32:46 MST 2010
I'm new to the forum but not new to the Kitty; I've owned my Mark 2 for
close to forty years, am in the midst of a (not cheap!) total restoration.
So... what do you want to know?
This seems to be an active group; they probably can help.
Comparing the Porsche and Tiger is somewhat difficult. There were 7,000 or
so Tigers made compared to the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of Porsches
on the road. A lot more cars, a lot more owners / clubs. Surely a lot more
car specific parts and documentation.
Mechanically, the Tiger is a Ford with a Dana 44 differential. There's lots
of information on both on the web and in print. Parts are available from
Rick at Sunbeam Specialties, and from Bill Graf at C.A.T., among others.
There's an active parts market on E-Bay (the usual caveats apply...);
There's a CD available on E-Bay with most of the original documentation in
PDF format.
You mentioned ClassicTiger, an excellent site, lots of Tech Tips. C.A.T.
(California Association Of Tiger Owners) has a "Shop Notes" book full of the
accumulated knowledge they've gained over the years - it's where I go first.
(You have to join the club to get the parts / books. Well worth the price of
admission.) Try also Dale's Restorations. (http://www.dalesresto.com/ ) ,
be prepared to dig deep into the pocketbook...
ClassicMotorSports ran / is running a series on a Tiger rebuild I've found
helpful. Much of it is on the Web. It's worth a look, but magazines seldom
tell all we need to know.
And, I suspect, ask here. If I can help I'll surely try to.
('67 Mark2 in the process of being reborn.)
To Norm, if you see this: PLEASE re-issue the book!
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 9:28 AM, <m_dangelo at verizon.net> wrote:
> Hi. Well, that's good to know, but I am skeptical. Where are there
> sources
> of information? I have seen Tigersunited.com, rootegroupdepot.com,
> classictigers.com, and a few others like the TEAE website and a couple of
> British sites. The information there is largely repetitive, old, and
> stagnant, for the most part -- definitely not dynamic in the least. If you
> go
> to some of the Porsche forums, you will see what I mean. One can post a
> question on an open forum and receive tens of responses in a single day,
> and
> have photographic step-by-step instructions, advice, diagrams, schematics
> and
> more. Considering the elitism around Porsche, it's surprising how much
> information is available and offered just for the asking. It's just not
> the
> same with Tigers, which I believe hurts the interest in our lovely yet mean
> little cars. Please let me know where these good sources of information
> are. As far as the Book of Norman, I've yet to see any information from
> that
> book anywhere. In fact, when I've asked specific questions, I've literally
> gotten the answer (from Book of Norman owners) that I should buy a copy of
> the
> Book of Norman. I'm told they come up for sale on eBay from time to time.
> Gee
> thanks, is what I typically think when I get such responses. Thanks.
> Mauro
> Mar 24, 2010 08:10:16 AM, CoolVT at aol.com wrote:
> Mauro,I don't think you are taking advantage of all the possible Tiger
> sources
> of information. There are numerous and most provide links to the others.
> With
> these sources you can find information on every nut and bolt in a Tiger and
> how to disassemble/assemble most every nut and bolt. And as you said, much
> easier to work on than a Porsche.On the BON....no book owner is trying to
> keep
> information a secret. I think if you ask any book owner a question of the
> contents, you will always get an answer.Mark L
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