[Tigers] tiger originality / authenticity

Tom Hall modtiger at comcast.net
Mon Mar 22 16:14:49 MST 2010

At 11:58 AM 3/22/2010, you wrote:
>I believe their primary intention is to disqualify cars that are 
>obviously Alpines with transferred Tiger parts. In the end it could 
>be possible that they may not issue a TAC sticker yet not define the 
>car as an "Alger."

For the umpteenth time, No one in the TAC community ever labels 
anything with it's certification other than Tigers.  The failing of a 
TAC inspection in no way brands the vehicle as an "Alger" or any 
other "thing".  There are other considerations, but body panels, 
floor panels, etc. are not normally reasons for TAC rejection.  Be 
aware that attempting to convert an early Tiger into a MkII for its 
potential increase in value, is also not viewed as an appropriate "repair".

Tom Hall
ModTiger Engineering LLC

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