[Tigers] [Fwd: Postcard update]
Tod Brown
todbrown at roadrunner.com
Thu Mar 11 07:08:51 MST 2010
After I had sent the first message from Park, I received the attached,
which solves our problem. I do think, and had planned that, a
significant donation should be made to OHTM when all is said and done.
Coincidentally, I took my grandson out to OHTM yesterday and had a
chance to talk to Park while I was there. He told me they were going to
eat the postage, so I thanked him.
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Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 15:18:13 -0500
Subject: Postcard update
From: Park Morrison <pm at ohtm.org>
To: Tod Brown <todbrown at roadrunner.com>
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Thread-Topic: Postcard update
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Hi Tod
We9ve decided to go ahead and use envelope and include your postcard in the
mailing. There is no obligation, but if TigersEast would like to make a
donation toward the additional postage ($230), we would be most
appreciative. It will be in mail beginning next week.
Park M. Morrison
Public Relations Director
Owls Head Transportation Museum
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