[Tigers] Tiger sold at Barrett-Jackson Orange County

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 13:12:29 MDT 2010

all this talk of cheap 20-30k tigers is new to me.  i paid 16 for mine and
drove it through 3 continents.
where is the current market for an average mk1a?

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Pointers <gpointer at telusplanet.net> wrote:

> I follow BJ routinely, since SpeedTV started coverage, and for whatever
> reason, Tiger's don't appear there. One crossed the block when I attended
> there in 1996, but I don't recall a Tiger since. This one went for $30,800
> (incl buyer's commis):
> http://www.barrett-jackson.com/application/onlinesubmission/currentcarlist.as
> px?aid=343&sd=06%2f27%2f2010&ed=06%2f27%2f2010<http://www.barrett-jackson.com/application/onlinesubmission/currentcarlist.as%0Apx?aid=343&sd=06%2f27%2f2010&ed=06%2f27%2f2010>
> I missed Friday's telecast; not sure if Speed showed this. If so, catch it
> on
> the re-runs hopefully. Curious how they profiled it.
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