[Tigers] Alternator Adjustment Arm / Fan Belt

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Sun Jun 13 06:21:20 MDT 2010

The Rootes Parts manual shows the same part number for the generator arm and
the alternator arm.

6100022    Arm Adjusting LHD    C4JZ-10145-A    Tiger only part looking at
that Ford part number
6100022    Arm Adjusting Alternator
That surprises me but I don't have both these arms to compare.

6100024    Fan belt Generator LHD   C2OZ-8620-E

6100853    Fan Belt Alternator

The alternator belt is different and I don't know the length of either belt.

I would suggest that you hook up the arm to the alternator, adjust to the
lowest position and measure the length around all the pulleys then buy a
belt close to that length.   If you can adjust the alternator for tension on
the belt your done.

I went through several iteration of belts when I did my alternator
conversion until I got a belt that worked correctly for me.   The guy at the
parts store was patient with me.   I told him what I was doing and he
exchanged the belts and cash differences with a smile.

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: Would U. Believe [mailto:mcdangerous at verizon.net]
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2010 6:42 PM
To: CoolVT at aol.com; rfraser at bluefrog.com; tigers at Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Alternator Adjustment Arm / Fan Belt

Thanks.  I actually have the bracket that the alternator mounts to.  This is
a Tiger 2 only part.  What I think I don't have is the right arm that bolts
between the water pump and the bottom of the alternator.  This is the one
that lets you tighten the fan belt.  I wonder if my problem is that my fan
belt is too long.  Anyone know the correct or usable length of the fan belt?

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