[Tigers] Are This a Tiger?

Jim jim at island.net
Fri Jun 4 10:23:54 MDT 2010

BTW, I believe that every car that has been TAC'd is unequivocally a real
Tiger. What I was referencing below was a discrepancy in the VIN# which is
something outside of the TAC program as has no bearing on whether a
particular chassis is in fact an original Tiger.


-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: June 3, 2010 6:41 PM
To: 'Steve Laifman'; 'Jim Sencindiver'
Cc: AAAGLASSS at aol.com; tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Are This a Tiger?


What are you suspicious about exactly?
No, it doesn't have 'tie-downs' and we all know what it looks like...but it
HAS been TAC'ed .... and I only know of one car that was TAC'ed and turned
out it wasn't quite what it was supposed to be... Geez... I saw a Tiger with
a complete Alpine front half TAC'ed at TUXXX
What exactly is the argument here ??

Jim G.

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Steve Laifman
Sent: June 3, 2010 5:48 PM
To: Jim Sencindiver
Cc: AAAGLASSS at aol.com; tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Are This a Tiger?


See who actually signed the TAC certificate.  It is ON the certificate.  
Norman's web site also contains a list of certified and assigned TAC 


I am getting very suspicious due to your statement about "spare tire tie 
downs".  The Tiger does not  have "tie-downs". Here I am envisioning a 
leather set of belts to hold the spare against the froward end of the 
trunk to tie it down vertically in the convenient well (not used in a 
Tiger).  The Tiger design  fits on the floor atop a welded stamped  bell 
with an in-caged nut, and held with a center hole fitting plate and 
bolted to the floor mount.

The Alpine mounted the tire vertically  at the front of the trunk 

Here are some Pics of Denis Mercier's Mk IA spare tire mounted.

<cid:part1.07070901.05040704 at socal.rr.com>

"Don't Look a Gift Tiger in the Mouth!"

    (Pic of Roaring Tiger - won't go through List)


Steve Laifman



Jim Sencindiver wrote:
> I don't see the Mk II specific spare tire tie downs and the battery tie
> is wrong.  But it has been TACed and the 3 Inspectors saw enough evidence
> that it was originally manufactured as a Tiger to authenticate it.  I
> have to say it's not an Alger.
> Keep on Tigering!
> Jim Sencindiver
> B382100451/TAC 448
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