[Tigers] Tiger ID

Steve Laifman slaifman at socal.rr.com
Tue Jul 27 19:03:11 MDT 2010


This is a subject akin to "Angels", "dancing" and "pin heads"

I can address the legal restrictions in California.  It is NOT legal to 
remove a VIN from a car without express permission of the Highway 
Patrol.  And this is only for authorized Auto Body Shops, and then only 
to allow restoration of the body, and replacement on the same vehicle it 
was taken from.

Are there exceptions?  Not to my knowledge - except some 50 years ago 
when it was perfectly legal to remove the section of the Ford Frame with 
the serial number stamped in, and re-welded to a chassis of another 
frame (thus hot rods were born.  The concern here was traceability of 
the car's history.

Even as late as the mid-70's, when we built our Red Toi fiberglass car: 
(Have your sound on!)

 < http://tigersunited.com/articles/sl-mc/stevelaifman5.asp >

We met the requirements by actually building the car on my licensed VW 
the  within the existing laws, as the chassis S/N was retained.  A few 
years later the engine was replaced with a Pontiac Fiero V-6, we were 
required to get it inspected and tested for the emissions requirement 
for the year of the engine.

Other states may have other rules.  The TAC rules do not care whether a 
Tiger has a Ford Engine, or anything else a "Concours" car must have.  
Their requirement is that the Chassis rolled of the Tiger Jensen 
Assembly Line, as was all original Tigers.  they have their own experts 
with a lot of knowledge, and a secret list  of what the differences were 
between  an Alpine and a Tiger.  So, in their eyes, the replacement of a 
VIN from a Tiger, onto a car originally a Tiger would be acceptable.

Contact Tom Hall for details.  <modtiger at comcast.net>


Steve Laifman



michael king wrote:
> I was reading this article on Norms site:
> http://www.classictiger.com/mudge/tac/alert.htm
> It got me thinking about thew whole re-body issue. Without getting into to
> the alger debate, What are peoples thoughts on using a Tiger body to save
> another tiger..?  Now in this issue you might say.. why would you need to..
> if one is restorable.. then there is no need to swap parts, but what about a
> car that no longer has ID's that is solid and a ID car that is a basket
> case?
> There is an issue legally that you can not remove a cars ID and place it on
> another.. and then there is the issue of misrepresenting the hsitory of a
> car.. what are peoples thoughts of placing the ID's of a deceased Tiger on a
> proper Tiger without ID? I guess int ehory the ultimate Tiger ID swap.

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