[Tigers] Get Hosed!

Steve Laifman slaifman at socal.rr.com
Wed Jul 7 18:23:28 MDT 2010

Get "Hosed"!
/Totally agree about the internal water hoses should internal springs, 
as original. Especially important on the inlet hose, due to pump suction 
collapsing the hose.  The you are "really hosed".

On the original request for the correct hoses means, I believe, for the 
Original Hose Clamps that were on the car when it left the factory.

I believe they were "double-wire" type, not worm drive, and CAD plated, 
not stainless.

Here are a few references:

Heater hoses, and such:

/The original radiator hose clamps (I Think) ($ 2.05) can be seen on:

/TBON (The Book of Norman) shows the water and oil cap vent hoses with 
the "wire-type", and heater as the simple plain clamp band.  He says 

   1.  "All 1/2" hoses were CAD plated English "band clamps.".
   2.  "All 5/8" hose clamps used CAD plated English "double wire
      clamps" at all but three locations."
   3.  "The water pump by-pass hose was clamped with CAD plated Ford
      screw clamps at both ends"
   4.  "The heater core return hose was clamped with a CAD plated Ford
      screw clamped with clamp at the elbow manifold fitting."
   5.  "Upper and lower radiator hoses were clamped with CAD plated
      English double wire clamps"

Now. are you SURE you want that 100 point concourse  medal?


Steve Laifman



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