[Tigers] Six Blade Cooling Fan

Randy Smith RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Sat Jan 30 16:15:50 MST 2010


I have used the 15" Derale flex-fan available from Summit Racing with a 
part number DER-17015!  This fan is an easy fit and is extremely 
efficient at both low and high speeds.  The only issue could be 
clearance with the steering rack.  I had to put one flatwasher under 
each of my motor mounts (the mounts were new at the time) to get 
clearance.  Tiger Tom warns against cutting the diameter of the fan down 
as most of the efficiency is at the outer diameter.  Shimming the motor 
mounts is really quite easy, but don't overdue it or the air cleaner 
will hit the hood.  I also used one of the Ford Fairmont water pump 
pulleys to increase the speed of the pump and fan.  Somebody is selling 
a nice machined version of that pulley in the TE/AE newsletter.  While 
you are working on all that stuff, you might want to do something with 
your radiator if you haven't already.  I had my original radiator 
recored with a modern core.  Also make certain to block your horn 
holes.  With that combination of upgrades, I can idle or run at highway 
speeds all day long in the humid 100 degree Mid-Atlantic summer heat 
with the engine running right at the thermostat setting.  Check out the 
tech tips on the TE/AE website 
<http://teae.org/category/tech-tips/temperature/> for more details.


> I've been trying to figure out which fan to buy to improve the cooling of my
> engine.  I know there was a fan with part number C9DZ-8600-A that supposedly
> fit, but I have not found a single one for sale. Are there other fans out
> there that would fit the stock Tiger setup? I once heard something about a
> Volvo fan, but  don't know.  What are the specifications I should be looking
> for?  Any advice would be highly appreciated!  Mauro
> _______________________________________________

Randy Smith
34752 Charles Town Pike
Purcellville, VA  20132
540-668-6253 fax

InnerQuestOnline.com <http://www.innerquestonline.com/>
RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Tiger- B382000189

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