[Tigers] ...yet another e-bay Tiger...

Lynn Wall cars at wt-inc.com
Thu Jan 28 20:38:51 MST 2010

I don't want to pass judgment on this particular Tiger but I agree with what
TtT said.  However, I would like to let people know that I have lost vin
plates and replaced Vin plates in California, and Utah.  Both times I just
told them the VIN number I wanted to register and it was no problem, I did
have the paperwork in one case and just a believable story in the other
(fire).  They went out to look at the replaced vin plate and that was that.
I was NEVER questioned about screws, rivets, bubble gum adhesive, VIN plate
originality etc.  I keep hearing people mention that they know someone that
knows someone that had their car sent to the crusher.  Maybe it happened, I
don't know and don't claim to know.  I just know that I have done it several
times without a single problem.

I'm sure there are places that it can't be done but there are also many
places that it can be done. 

Maybe it's just good clean livin.

FWIW, Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Tony Somebody
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:56 PM
To: Jim
Cc: Beamclub
Subject: Re: [Tigers] ...yet another e-bay Tiger...

Jim I thought the best part was the frame off restoration and the Tiger
history lesson he gave to go with the car. Lots of things wrong- small
like side moulding, dash, no cubby light and a tach hanging down- guess the
stock one doesnt work. It also states the LOST vin was replaced after
in the Tiger community provided paper work it was the car matching the given
vin while using the numbers from the rearend and tranny to backup their
I didnt see a pic of the Georiga provided VIN plate but find it unusual a
is issued a VIN plate replacing the lost one. I was told that couldnt be
as it had been discussed many times and once the VIN plate is lost you are
just screwed. Very curious how this was managed. It is nice and black with
inormation that seems like they are trying to convince someone what they say
is true. IMO of course.

--- On Thu, 1/28/10, Jim <jim at island.net> wrote:

From: Jim <jim at island.net>
Subject: [Tigers] ...yet another e-bay Tiger...
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 8:02 PM

I'm looking at a Tiger on e-bay.


or item#  180462584756 if the link doesn't work.

The ad states it has an 'original factory production patent plate' from
Pressed Steel and a link to a pic.


Has anybody ever  heard of such a thing? Or am I totally out of the loop


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