[Tigers] Hard top holder/carrier

Steven Laifman slaifman at socal.rr.com
Wed Jan 20 17:58:00 MST 2010


"Thunderbird Accessories"  <http://www.thunderbirdconcepts.com/> is a 
great place for TBird Accessories, including the hardtop cart and the 
electric top hoist.  I bought a lot of stuff fro my 50th Anniversary 
2005 Thunderbird, and vouch for their quality, reliability, and customer 

The carrier is on their page 
<http://www.thunderbirdconcepts.com/hoist.htm>  It is on sale now for 
$200, and is of excellent quality,


rollright at aol.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Gary Fish and I stripped our hardtops and they are now in fresh  paint.
> I need to ask where (and what do I call it) to find those hard top  
> carriers. I think they were originally made for new T-Bird tops, but  whatever.
> Some listers mentioned them before but I didn't make a note. They store the 
>  hardtop vertically to save space.
> Around $ 100 I seem to remember.
> Any info much appreciated.
> Jim  Armstrong
> Mk 1A 382002083

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