[Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11 (oil pump)

coolvt at aol.com coolvt at aol.com
Wed Jan 13 16:48:23 MST 2010

LOL, ask him to drain the pan of his Mercedes sitting in the parking lot,  
add some of his magic tonic and drive the car home. Now that would should 
his  confidence in the product.
In a message dated 1/13/2010 6:22:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
djoh797014 at yahoo.com writes:

Just the  other day at the Indy Car Show, they had a vendor
selling a product that  coats the inside of the engine and you
can it run without any oil what so  ever.  He had a SBC
running with the oil pan completely off. He even  drove it

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