[Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 09:22:31 MST 2010

for reference, i get a little over 65psi above idle with -8 lines to a wheel
arch filter.  about 30psi at a very lumpy 600rpm warm idle.  that's with a
meling m-68hv pump.
i imagine using a pump like that hides a multitude of weaknesses though.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Smit, Theo <Theo.Smit at dynastream.com>wrote:

> A guy I know had a set of lines made at a hydraulic shop for his race
> 4A-G. It wasn't quite Atlantic spec but still on the order of 220 hp and
> 8500+ RPM. He had issues with bearings until he showed us the oil lines
> - the IDs of the adapters were maybe 5/16" and while the hose OD was
> similar to what you'd see on -10 Earl's line, the ID was no more than
> 3/8".
> On the Ford small block, the pressure relief is built into the oil pump
> so if there is any downstream obstruction, it will dump extra oil
> overboard and the downstream pressure is reduced. However, I don't know
> offhand whether the gallery that the gauge gets its feed from is after
> the filter, or before.
> I have never seem over about 55 psi on my gauge, on either engine I've
> had in the car. I have the filter in the left fender with a pair of -10
> hoses, two 90 degree hose ends, and two straight ends. The block adapter
> is a ultra-low-profile homebuilt device, but internally it's got similar
> passage sizes to the Canton adapter and the one sold by Dale. For the
> kinds of RPM I can run, 55 psi is more than enough, but if I was going
> to build a high RPM engine I will be looking into that a little bit. I'd
> start with putting the oil pressure gauge on my air compressor line to
> see if it was OK, though.
> Cheers,
> Theo
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dave Munroe [mailto:dave at munroe.ca]
> > Sent: January 11, 2010 8:58 AM
> > To: Smit, Theo; tigers at autox.team.net
> > Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11
> >
> > Theo;
> >
> > This is a concept I have not considered: are you saying that
> > smaller internal diameter oil filter lines will cause a drop
> > in oil pressure to the filter? or to the engine oiling system
> > which could be seen on the oil pressure gauge?
> >
> > I have a set of "industrial" oil line hoses on my filter
> > set-up, and am not happy with my oil pressure as seen on my
> > dash mounted gauge. I haven't checked the internal dia. of
> > the hoses so I don't know if they are indeed smaller than
> > they need to be, but it would be interesting if they are a
> > factor in my overall oil pressure.
> >
> > Thanks for this bit of info.
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   If you do get oil lines made at a hydraulic shop, make sure
> > they  understand that this is for a continuous-flow oiling
> > system, not for a  hydraulic application. Hydraulic hose and
> > fittings have smaller IDs than  oil hose, for the same hose
> > OD and fitting thread sizes, and you'll get  much greater
> > pressure loss in the lines.
> >
> >   Cheers,
> >  Theo
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