[Tigers] LAT9 centercaps and Panasport center caps

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 13 09:52:39 MDT 2010

You have missed nothing but those of us who are lucky enough to own a nice set
of LAT 9 optional wheel, they are kinda sorta rare and since they didn't have
a center hole for the old style bubble balancing tool, many people cut the top
off- which was a Tigers head- not knowing that there was a strobe light
balancing tool, where the mechanic jacked the car up, placed an electric motor
against the tire and rotated it at the desired rpm as the machine had a
rheostat switch to control speed or RPM if you would. he then made a chalk
mark on the wheel and a strobe light that fired according too "I have no idea"
and he added the desired weight to balance the wheel. My now passed on
mechanic once told me he couldn't understand how people thought their wheels
where balanced, as they bubbled balanced them, put them back on the car and
then added the hubcap- changing the work he had just completed thus his
guarantee that they where balanced. he retired at age 74
 when it took more time doing the state and federal paperwork than doing half
the mechanic work and he was an extremely good mechanic. His father had sold
two different cars from the building his shop was in and he was also a
decorated WW2 war hero. Anyway, Davis Green has found someone to make new
Tiger head caps(the wheels are made of aluminum,IMHOP) so they can be welded
on- a new cut might be required on the piece or the wheel to make then all
look the same. I have a beautiful original set and a cut set and if any of you
know someone who has a couple for sale I would love to have a spare for both
sets as they have factory offsets.
I hope Ive made it at least as clear as mud. if not, ask me anything not
warmest regards, TonytheTiger

--- On Fri, 8/13/10, arado7 at sbcglobal.net <arado7 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: arado7 at sbcglobal.net <arado7 at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] LAT9 centercaps and Panasport center caps
To: tigers at autox.team.net, "DAVID GREEN" <alpdavegre at msn.com>, "Tony Somebody"
<achd73 at yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, August 13, 2010, 5:18 AM

All this attention to LAT wheels.  I still use my steel wheels, hubcaps and
trim rings. What have I been missing? Drives and handles fine.     Gary  

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