[Tigers] Keeping cockpit cool

FHSLOTH13 at aol.com FHSLOTH13 at aol.com
Wed Aug 4 07:13:39 MDT 2010

I made the cooling modifications recommended in TE/AE's Rootes Review  
several years ago and had some insulating material added to the firewall and  
floors when I redid the interior. I also plugged several unused holes in the  
Engine temp went from 215 operating to 195 operating with a corresponding  
drop in cabin temperature.
Fred Baum
In a message dated 8/3/2010 4:35:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
tkparker1941 at gmail.com writes:


Through the tunnel, through the floor. Through the  shifter hole. throuch
every orifice.

Rick sells plugs; so does  British wiring. They're not expensive.

Classic Motorsports used  Thermo-Tec's "Cool-it"noise suppression / heat
barrier; it's available from  Summit. When I spoke to Tim at last year's
Mitty he swore by it. so, today  as luck would have it, I ordered some. If
it's as good as he claimed I  expect to be as cool as an old man can  be.


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