[Tigers] Blow out
David T Johnson
djoh797014 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 18 12:06:17 MDT 2010
When my right front lower fulcrum pin broke, I was driving
with my iwfe and son on QE2 in Ontario at about 65-70.
Suddenly, Bam! The right front dropped and the car
swerved right. It took all I could to steer it straight.
It took both hands. As soon as I got it straight, it would
go back right. I remember mising a semi on the right
shoulder Finnaly the Tiger slowed enough that I could
take my left arm and pull the hand brake. The right
wheel had tilted in and was at a 45 degree angle in.
My family and I were very lucky. Though luck or driving
skill had only a little to do with it. I too shook when the
car stopped. On repair I found rack and pinion had many
deep marks where I kept forcing the car left.
I can still see that semi. Probably will forever.
That's why I have this thing about fulcrum pins.
Another example? My son was driving to the Brit Car
FEst not 1 mile from my house. He was at a light
ready to go up a ramp, when the right lower pin
snapped. One of the new 4140 super strong pins.
The Tiger took an immedaite right into the drivers
door of an Explorer and rolled it over. The car
bounced off and went down the on ramp into a
lamp post. Hit is dead center, knocked it over.
The car, spun around and landed in a ditch. The
Tiger was 'totalled' but my son wasn't hurt. I'm
just about done fixing my Tiger. This time
I'm putting on John Logan's fix. It should be
required for all Tiger owners.
From: mike schreiner <mikeflbmer at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Tigers] Blow out
To: Tigers at autox.team.net
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 1:30 AM
I saw pictures of that wreck, nothing left of the car ans woman driver severly
injured...He had weathered tires , let his girlfreind drive it...when tire
blew, she got in the median and turned sideways and iit rolle dseveral times,
then hit an oncoming old pick up on a tow dolly...It stuck in my mind when I
saw those pics...(a preminition maybe) when it happened to me, what flashed
thru my mide was KEEP IT OUT OF THE GRASS!...I was headed for the median,
jerked it across 3 lanes, then was headed (it kept wanting to go sideways) for
the grass on the outside....jerked it straight with a hard brake and
wheel....and it stopped on the shoulder...I was actually shaking...thought I
was going to die...but love a tiger and still drive one....(no tire plugs
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