[Tigers] An Air Flow Question for the Worlds Fastest SUnbeam(wannabe)

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Fri Sep 11 07:56:43 MDT 2009

Hi Mayf,
First off, congratulations on again getting to 186 MPH in August,
hopefully you can bump up the speed safely in October. And props to SCTA
for posting times and pictures after each day... Makes it easy to be an
armchair (or office chair) land speed racing spectator.

Since you have basically no airflow in the engine compartment right now,
*any* airflow will make a substantial difference to the temperatures.
However, it might be tough to find a good place where you can maximize
the airflow and minimize the drag penalty. Is the leading edge of the
hood a place where the airflow is relatively attached to the car, or is
it very turbulent? Lifting the hood there may not do anything if the
boundary layer is a couple of inches away at that point.

If it's possible in the timeframe available, you should do a couple of
tests with a water manometer array to see where you have some pressure
on the hood, and then put an optimal duct (NACA contour?) in that place.

Failing that, what about popping one of the headlight covers and running
a duct from there to the engine compartment? A 7" hole can move a LOT of
air, even if you choke it down to cut the drag penalty.


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