[Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 3, Issue 351

awtiger awtiger at cox.net
Tue Sep 8 06:43:22 MDT 2009


While I support your right to express your opinion, I DO NOT support the 
tone of your comments.  When you make comments to a group of people, lumping 
them together as "morons" and "idiots," you open yourself up for rebuttal. 
In my estimation, Darrell is correct; I, too, resent being lumped into your 
"moron" and "idiot" category.  Might I be so bold as to suggest that you be 
very careful who you refer to like that.  All you are succeeding in doing is 
alienating yourself from the Sunbeam crowd and ruining whatever chance you 
have of selling anything to do with a Sunbeam to any of us.

As you mentioned in your last post, "honesty strikes me as the best policy," 
and indeed it is.  Surely, however, you can can conduct yourself in a mature 
manner and be able to state your honest opinions without resorting to 

Andy Walker
Edmond, OK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marc James Small" <marcsmall at comcast.net>
To: "Mountjoy" <dsmtjoy at cox.net>; <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 3, Issue 351

> At 12:40 AM 9/8/2009, Mountjoy wrote:
> >Mr. Small,
> >
> >Regardless of your personal work ethics I resent you grouping me and 
> >those
> >on this list into your neat, tidy  "wonk know-it-alls." category.  I
> >certainly don't need to purchase anything you are selling.  Your comment 
> >is
> >as bad as if "we buyers" grouped all "you sellers" into one group of 
> >bottom
> >feeder overchargers.
> Thank you for your most interesting
> comments.   Your resentment puzzles me, as
> honesty strikes me as the best policy, but, then,
> what do I know?   Be well, and have a grand life.
> Marc
> msmall at aya.yale.edu
> Cha robh b`s fir gun ghr`s fir!
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