[Tigers] clunker program
C. Robert Bernardino, MD FACS
crbernardino at mac.com
Sat Sep 5 15:55:22 MDT 2009
I so not know the specifc of why a doctor charged $350 to have your
son wiggle his feet. What I can tell you as a physician is that we do
not get to charge $350 for simple things like that. Perhaps the
hospital charged $350 but I can assure you doctors do not get to
charge 350 for examinations. I don't even get paid that to do many
surgeries. Plumbers make more unclogging a drain as an emerency then
me sewing an eyelid back on a persons face. And most of the time I
bill I do not get paid. How many of you are still paying off you
student loans and will be for the next 20 years - I would love to put
that money towards the Tiger but can't I do agree with a lot of this
talk about cash for clunckers but if you want to drag medicine into it
without the facts, I warn you.
I am 5'8" one buck and a half, don't know martial arts nor do not have
a gun. However after the fight is over I will patch you up whether I
get paid or not.
Rob in CT
C. Robert Bernardino, MD FACS
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Residency Program Director
Ophthalmic Plastics & Orbital Surgery
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 5, 2009, at 5:19 PM, Thomas Witt <atwittsend at verizon.net> wrote:
> Steven,
> "- since I joined the ranks of the recently unemployed in July."
> I have been there, being unemployed from Jan. to Aug.. I truly hope
> your new status is short lived. My sympathies to all who have lost
> their jobs it being Labor day and all.
> I'll try and be concise and bring this around to cars, Tigers etc..
> In 1985 (age 27) I developed a heart arrhythmia. It was a difficult
> 5 years until 1990 when a good fortune allowed me to work part time
> and the arrhythmia subsided significantly. It required giving up my
> $50 deductible Blue Cross, Dental and Eye benefits now valued at
> $12,000 a year. I've spent well over $100,000 on "don't loose your
> house in a crisis insurance" the past 18 years. I won't call it
> health insurance because after I pay the $7,000 premium and the
> $5,000 deductible I couldn't afford to live.
> Back to Cars (sort of): About the only people who can qualify for a
> car loan today have a decent, stable job. The cars that were deemed
> "clunkers" didn't look like they came from the poor by any means. I
> don't mean to insult anyone who used this program. But, a fair
> amount of people (not everyone) who complain about assisting with a
> basic human need (healthcare) seemed to have no problem with the
> general populace (including the poor-er) helping them out to get a
> new car.
> I'll say I am NO fan of the current proposed health system. So,
> I'm not pleading that angle. I'll pay my fair share. But why did a
> doctor who asked my son to wiggle his legs after surgery (spent all
> of 2 minutes with him - if that) charge $350??? I found some part
> time work while unemployed. It took me 32 HOURS to earn what that
> doctor then asked for 2 MINUTES of his work. That is just not right!
> My Tiger of 10 years still sits on jack stands. Increasing
> healthcare cost, decreasing CD interest rates (my "second source of
> safe income") and inflation have me living (existing) on half the
> equivalent income I had nearly 20 years ago. So, I was a bit
> overwhelmed when I saw the "quality" clunkers yesterday. It was
> just another vivid example as I slide out of the dwindling middle
> class.
> I'm glad I bought my $5,000 Tiger "basket case" back in 2000. Maybe
> it will always be a garage ornament, but at least I've felt like I
> was "one of the boys." The wife already know if times get harder,
> it will be one of the last things to go.
> Tom _______________________________________________
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