[Tigers] Lean and Mean
Jeff Howarth
jeff at v8tiger.demon.co.uk
Tue Sep 1 16:13:10 MDT 2009
I sincerely hope you checked it doesn't say LUCAS on the pacemaker
Jeff - on the peaceful side of The Pond - birthplace of Sunbeams and
err, Lucas
In message <20090901220349.9KKKJ.531713.root at cdptpa-web14-z01>,
sralsten at ca.rr.com writes
>I'm 6'1" 250 lbs (too much of it fat) and have a pacemaker
>but I'm not much concerned about tougher physical
>specimens because I know the phone number to the police dept.
>I do get pretty fisty when anyone starts telling me
>about their physical attributes and their martial shit
>because they think they can force me to shut up.
>B9473720 LROFE (Not covered in cardboard) (or rust)
>---- Jeffrey Nichols <jxnichols at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> "I am 6'2", 220 lbs and am a hand to hand combat
>> instructor amongst other things in the military."
>> "I too am 6'3" and 220....and a long time martial Arts instructor..."
>> Since we seem to be in an ass-kickin', oriental credential wavin', beatin'
>> the sh*t out of you mood, I will now confess. I'm 5' 11', 195 lbs of beer
>> drinkin', women chasin', Tiger restorin', crotch kickin', eye gougein',
>> walkin' on rice paper without makin' a sound, SOB!
>> Jeff
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Jeff Howarth
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