[Tigers] Hood louvers
michael king
michael.s.king at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 17:52:15 MDT 2009
The actual effectiveness of hood louvers on the Tiger is debatable, the
factory tried them on the prototypes, but decided the risk of oil vapor
coating the screen was outweighed by the cooling benifits.. not sure i
eblieve that.. but thats the story.
They should drop the temperature by 5deg i believe from things i have read,
and the most effective place should be over where the headers are on each
side. They are probably more an aesthetic choice than a functional one in
many ways.. better colling solutions are blocking horn holes, tunneling the
valennce and better radiator and fan options.
2009/10/3 Bruce MacDougall <camelot15 at verizon.net>
> I'm new to the list, first time posting but a few months into reading, and
> following, the discussions. This is a great resource. Thank you all.
> Do hood louvers help with venting all that hot air? I have an extra hood
> and
> am ready to send it off for treatment if those with experience think it's
> worthwhile.
> Here's the second part. Can someone direct me to a photo, or give me
> measurements, to show exactly where the two rows of louvers should be
> located? Thank you. Bruce
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Michael King
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