[Tigers] Speedo Rotation http://www.transmissioncenter.net/speedometer_calibration_______va.htm#Misc.%20Gears
Teepen, Jere
jteepen at usatoday.com
Fri Nov 20 08:25:26 MST 2009
The best feature of this list is that I do not have to go to any website, etc.
I open my e-mail and there is a wonderful distraction from the normal (and
usually annoying) work related e-mails. This provides a nice incentive to
check my e-mail more frequently, except when we go off on some really
unrelated tangent.
I am a member of C.A.T. and TE/AE. Both have forums. I think I have looked
at both forums once or twice. This is much easier. I am for easy.
I like it.
-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Steve Ralsten
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 8:59 PM
To: chris at cthompson.net; drmayf at mayfco.com
Cc: Carmods at aol.com; tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Speedo Rotation
Up to date board software is quite simple to use, it remembers who you are
through cookies
and highlights material for you that is new since your last visit. It does
not fill your
email box with messages that will be in the way forever if not deleted.
However that being said
my mention of discussion board was not intended to be the primary thrust of
my post.
Sorry thats the way it came out.
My point was to agree with the statement that this list for its benefits and
frailties can
be made much better if people would not deviate into private responses so
that the majority
of us never see the answer that solved the problem or the response that
indeed said "problem solved"
I know the best responses I get are often private, great for me but bad for
other people
that may need the same answer. I get a great deal from this list as well as
the Alpine and CAT
discussion boards.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Thompson" <chris at cthompson.net>
To: <drmayf at mayfco.com>
Cc: <Carmods at aol.com>; <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Speedo Rotation
> There are fire-hoses and there are garden-hoses. The Tiger list is a
> crimped garden hose compared to a lot of lists I watch. The volume is not
> so high to be annoying to my delete finger when a topic uninteresting to
> me is underway. But there have been some Tiger owners who have
> un$ubscribed due to the volume. There are better technologies out there
> that offer more options, but we are at the mercy of volunteers here, after
> all. Personally, I tithe to Bradakis every time he asks, as I am
> eternally grateful for the service he does provide....
> Chris
> drmayf wrote:
>> Nope, Ron, it isn't just you! I too prefer the email service. I do no
>> thave to hunt up athread to see what I want to see...it all comes ala
>> firehose. My choice, I delete a lot of stuff that is irrelevant to me.
>> And if someone wants to see a picture, then I send them a picture or vice
>> versa. No hidden ads to pop up, no advertising, just email.
>> mayf
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