[Tigers] charging question

David T Johnson djoh797014 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 2 17:17:44 MST 2009

14.5 is a tid too high.  13.8 to 14.0 would be better.
Watch the battery level and put a plastic tra under
it and you should be fine.  Or buy a battery boc
and put its iinside.
Dave - still alive

--- On Sun, 11/1/09, Richard <rcsphx1 at cox.net> wrote:

From: Richard <rcsphx1 at cox.net>
Subject: [Tigers] charging question
To: "Tiger List" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Date: Sunday, November 1, 2009, 11:41 PM

'67 Tiger MKII alternator charging system.  I have made the tests that I
on the internet (with some conflicting information) and have replace the
voltage regulator with a new one from NAPA.  Taking a base line reading on
battery before the test I get 12.9 volts.  Ambient temperature this morning
was about 75 degrees.  When running at normal operation temperature and rpm's
at or above 1500 the battery voltage reads a consistent 14.8 volts, and at
idle dropping down to 14.5 volts.  Is this normal or is it considered an
overcharging condition?  If so what would be the likely cause, everything I
checked seems to be close to the specs I can find.

I can find no specs in the workshop manual as to what is nominal for this
alternator system.

Thanks for the help

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