[Tigers] Mid-West TAC Event- Dayton OH - August 1 2009

Rense, Mark (GE Indust, ConsInd) mark.rense at ge.com
Wed May 20 13:42:17 MDT 2009

This event is a go! Save this email for future reference!!

Event: TAC Party
Place: Doug Jenning's Tiger Automotive, 1777 Springfield Street, Dayton,
OH 45403
Time: August 1st, 2009
Hosts: Mark "Bugz" Rense, John Engle and Doug Jennings

Thanks to Paul Sheahan and his TAC crew, we will have the three required
inspectors available for your TACing pleasure. Below is the list of
those interested in having this service performed on their car and we
have room for a few more.

This event is tied into the Dayton British Car Day show hosted by Miami
Valley Triumphs, and the event is located a mile from the TAC site. I am
told there will be discounted hotel rooms available through this club,
so check their site often. The link has not been up-dated, but here it
is for future reference:


Also, don't forget to make time to see our National Air Force Museum:

IMPORTANT:  If you are planning to have your car TAC'd, you will be
required to help defray the travel costs of the three TAC inspectors.
The expenses will be split between all parties and with the number of
entrants we have so far the dues should be well less than $100 per
attendee. The TAC sticker is a separate $10 fee. Please do not hang your
fellow Tiger owners out to dry, if you say yes, we expect you to pony
up. Violators will be condemned to be Alger drivers for life!

Here is the list of attendees I have so far:

Bill Waite

Paul Breuhan

Peter Laurinaitis

Henry Vicioso

Bill Kaufman

David Smith

Bill Marras

Ted Baird

Richard Gottlieb

David Tiettmeyer

Hugh Guynes

Dave Kaffenberger
Mark Rense

More information will be sent as soon as it is available.

Please forward questions and any other info to me.

Keep On Tigering!


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