[Tigers] Speed bleeders?

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Mon Mar 30 15:44:37 MST 2009

Kevin and Steve,

My son and I both have those speed bleeders on his Alpine and my Tiger. 
One in front and one in rear handle it.  Spring loaded valve allows 
one-man bleeding, but an eyeball for "no bubbles" is helpful.  Putting a 
Mason Jar to catch fluid f/r will let you see the flow for clear and 
bubble free while in the driver's seat.  Fluid can be placed in a feeder 
to the M/C, or re topping.

You only need 2 (1 front and one rear) for the car. They are about $7 
each, and a soft plastic catch bag and hose (if you don't like glass) 
are $6.  For details and illustrations:



Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Tiger Man wrote:
> I've used speed bleeders on other cars before, you can buy them at any 
> automotive store rather than epay if you like (you do need to know 
> what size you need).
> The thing I noticed was these things were like $10-12 a piece when I 
> tried some.  At that price, you are better off going and buying the 
> hand vacuum pump and that way you can bleed as many cars as you like 
> for a ~$40 investment.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <jkwouts at yahoo.ca>
> To: "Tiger List" <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 1:56 PM
> Subject: [Tigers] Speed bleeders?
>> All... I am pretty sure I have seen this topic covered in the last 
>> few months
>> but after an exhaustive search have come up empty.
>> Has anyone used the Speed Bleeders that are constantly up on ebay? 
>> Are they
>> decent or just going to cause more blood, sweat and tears?? They keep 
>> popping
>> up there and haunting me so I just have to know.
>> thanks,
>> Kevin
>> B3820000239 

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