[Tigers] Speed bleeders?

Tiger Man Tigerman67 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 30 13:17:26 MST 2009

I've used speed bleeders on other cars before, you can buy them at any 
automotive store rather than epay if you like (you do need to know what size 
you need).

The thing I noticed was these things were like $10-12 a piece when I tried 
some.  At that price, you are better off going and buying the hand vacuum 
pump and that way you can bleed as many cars as you like for a ~$40 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jkwouts at yahoo.ca>
To: "Tiger List" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 1:56 PM
Subject: [Tigers] Speed bleeders?

> All... I am pretty sure I have seen this topic covered in the last few 
> months
> but after an exhaustive search have come up empty.
> Has anyone used the Speed Bleeders that are constantly up on ebay? Are 
> they
> decent or just going to cause more blood, sweat and tears?? They keep 
> popping
> up there and haunting me so I just have to know.
> thanks,
> Kevin
> B3820000239
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