[Tigers] Prototyping and 3-D scanning
milano164 at comcast.net
milano164 at comcast.net
Mon Mar 23 12:23:31 MST 2009
These days this is a pretty common processB in product developmentB and
should start bleeding over more to "old car part" duplication since the
technology and prices have started to come down.B B
I haveB access toB both a DimensionB and 3-D systems Stereo lithography
machine.B B B You have to know the limitations of the material. since it
isn't quite as strong as you'd think but you canB have a metal plating added
to theB parts and they become much stronger and heat resistant.B B B However,
I'd still be a bit hesitant to think it would last too long in an automotive
environment.B B GivenB the materials have been improving significantly over
the last couple of years, who knows what will be possible in a few years?B
Really, the prototyping machine is exactly that - creating a temporary part so
you can verify the fit/function/appearance.B B B OnceB the part is prototyped
and fit is verified B becomes a production process as in any normal
development process.B B B B Next step would to mill the part up on the NC
Mill as explained in the video or to send out for a casting, etc.
The little scanner is cool.B Seems like it would be convenient .B B In the
past we have sent out parts for scanning to a service bureau like XYZ-RGB http
:// www . xyzrgb .com/ B B B B B However, if time is pressing (need it faster
than the day or two turn around) IB have placed parts that I am duplicating on
a cheap desktop 2-D scanner.B B B Then scaned three or more 2-D views,
typically, top,B side, front,B then imported the JPGs into a surface package
like Rhino 3-D then build the part in a 3-D tracing method (best
description).B B Certainly not the best method but if time (money, too)B is
of the essence it works.
Now, what they don't tell you.... if you have to have to account for wearB and
possiblyB adjustB the part size... then things becomeB a bit more
complicated.B B Overall it is a promising process for creating parts.
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