[Tigers] Wheel failure - Non Tiger Content

Dave Munroe dave at munroe.ca
Wed Mar 18 12:05:04 MST 2009


Up here in Nova Scotia, the rust capital of the world, this is a common 
occurrence. Steel wheels on a street car are good for about 10 -12 years 
before the rot sets in. My cousin had three wheels go at the same time on a 
Toyota this winter. Car is 12 years old.

It usually happens to the rim area where the tire bead seats. The rust gets 
into the surface, the tire shop wire brushes it off, and if the pits are 
deep enough, the wheel won't hold air and  is scrap.

But left coasters will know nothing of this challenge! We have our crosses 
to bear here on the east coast.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sandy Ganz" <sganz at pacbell.net>
To: <stubrennan at comcast.net>; <Tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Wheel failure - Non Tiger Content

> Never seen it on steel wheels, but seen porous castings on a older chevy I
> had. 2 rims leaked from day one, and the dumb deal never could find the 
> leak.
> Out of warranty after a new set of tires were put on, the leaks were 
> found.
> Porosity in the castings...
> Sandy
> ----- Original Message ----
> From:
> "stubrennan at comcast.net" <stubrennan at comcast.net>
> To: Tigers at autox.team.net
> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:10:29 AM
> Subject: [Tigers] Wheel failure -
> Non Tiger Content
> I took the leaking tire off my Explorer up to the local
> shop for a repair, and
> was surprised by what they found.B  The steel wheel was
> leaking, not the
> tire.B  Some combination of rust (I'm near Boston) and maybe
> metal fatigue or
> a manufacturing problem caused a leak to form right where the
> central web is
> welded to the rim.B  And the guy said he sees this all the time
> on the local
> police cruisers, also Fords.
> My Explorer is 10 years old,
> street driven, no off road crazyness, but we're
> up here in the snow/rust
> belt.B  It used to be that steel wheels were regarded
> as the rugged ones, and
> alloys were pretty but delicate.B  Maybe that's
> changing?B  Has anyone else
> seen signs of weakness in recent steel wheels,
> Ford or anybody else?
> Needless to say,B all 4B wheels are being replaced tomorrow.
> Stu
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